Accesses, Copyright 1991-1992, All Rights Reserved SHAREWARE: Accesses is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, copy to bulletin boards, but do not alter the original ZIP file. You must read "Product Disclaimer & Registration Form" in ACCESSES.HLP to be aware of the Disclaimer and to learn how to TEMPORARILY REGISTER ACCESSES TO AVOID THE NAG Windows! ...CALL ME, CALL ME, CALL ME... If you need assistance installing Accesses. Please read at least until you see the asterisk separator. ie: ************ so the INI file is properly setup! Everyone should read CHANGES.TXT. CHANGES.TXT covers many user requested additions to Accesses that are "special features" and are sometimes not documented in ACCESSES.HLP. ACCESSES.ZIP (sometimes called ACCESS.ZIP or ACC30d.ZIP) contains 3 programs and files for Windows 3.1 (and due to run-time dynamic linking these programs are also Window 3.0 compatible). In the WIN 3.1 mode Accesses supports Drag Drop and Font changes. All but AccDrop is also Win 3.0 compatible. This ZIP file is a complete package and contains: README.TXT This file. ACCESSES.EXE The main program. Places windows, launches programs, launches whole desktops, calls your phone, notifies you when alarms are set, launches programs based on alarm settings. Accesses is a must for Intermediate to Advanced Windows users. Supports Drag Drop and Font Changes. ACCDRIVE.EXE Tiny pop-up that displays the free drive space. Accesses must be running before this program will operate since Accesses provides "the engine" to run the pop-up. The pop-up is a "bare bones" program and will NOT operate without Accesses! In Win 3.1, AccDrive can be configured with a Program name for Drag Dropping. ACCDROP.EXE "Ack Drop" Windows 3.1 ONLY. Drag Drop program. Each instance launched will launch Documents Drag Dropped with the user defined program. See ACCESSES.WRI. Accesses must be running. ACCKERNL.EXE AccKernl is not a "real Windows program" but just a "Windows Command" that Windows will run then close. See ACCESSES.WRI. Place in Windows directory. ACCESSES.HLP The help file in Windows HELP format, ACCESSES.WRI An abbreviated Windows write Technical document. Contains the Tutor. CHANGES.TXT Required reading for previous Accesses version users. VERY INTERESTING READING FOR OTHERS! NORTON.TXT An important note to Norton Desktop users. REGISTER.FRM Registration Information. VENDOR.TXT Shareware and Vendor info. ANTHEM.SND Small text format sound files that BIRTHDAY.SND Accesses can read and send sounds CHARGE.SND to your computer's speaker. (Drag and LOSE.SND drop file name on Accesses or launch MARY.SND from a timer, etc.) This function SCALES.SND uses your computer's speaker and NOT TWINKLE.SND your Sound board. (A poor-man's sound WIN.SND feature.) The confusion with Accesses name is that CompuServe is limited 6 characters and another Windows program is called ACCESS. You MUST Place ACCESSES.EXE, ACCKERNL.EXE, ACCESSES.HLP and ACCESSES.WRI in the same directory as the TASKMAN.EXE windows program. You must have ACCESSES.HLP and and ACCESSES.WRI installed for the installation to work properly. After about a week, you can delete ACCESSES.HLP and ACCESSES.WRI if you are short on disk space. The TUTOR is in ACCESSES.WRI. Accesses creates ACCESSES.INI when Accesses is 1st started & if an ACCESSES.INI doesn't already exist. REMEMBER THREE IMPORTANT ITEMS FOR ACCESSES: 1. FILE EXTENSIONS ARE PREFERRED but not required 2. You MUST go thru the TUTOR in ACCESSES.WRI. 3. Use your phone number when testing the phone calling function (and not mine). To Norton Desktop USERS: READ NORTON.TXT NOW! Follow these steps BEFORE LAUNCHING ACCESSES for the 1st time... During the installation process you will automatically be storing currently opened window positions to your ACCESSES.INI file. All of this can be easily edited by Accesses later but it helps to do some now. You can easily modify the setup from Accesses later! 1. Make a backup copy of your SYSTEM.INI file NOW. I will ask you if I can add taskman.exe=accesses.exe to your SYSTEM.INI file during the installation. (This change is not required but strongly recommended. 2. open one copy each of 5 or 6 of your most frequently used programs before running ACCESSES. If you're running windows in the Enhanced (386) Mode, open a DOS window as well and place the DOS window where you want it to be placed. If you are running Norton Desktop, restore (not maximized and not minimized) the folders and drive windows of Norton. Read NORTON.TXT. 3. For now, Close or minimize duplicate programs. For example, Run only one 'Notepad'. 4. Move these programs to the window positions that you want them to normally be in when in the 'Restored' (not maximized and not minimized) positions. USE THE RESTORED POSITION for all of these WINDOWS. Tutor explains how to change any or all of these positions if you want to make changes later - it's easy. 3. Then launch ACCESSES for the 1st time. ************ I wish you the best computering, Ted I can be contacted at the following: Address: T. F. Wall Off the WALL Software 7680 Cottonwood Ln. Pleasanton, CA 94588-4322 USA Phone: 510-484-4129 8am - 6pm (Pacific Time)